Mathematica provides a compact way of representing boxes in terms of strings. This is particularly convenient when you want to import or export specifications of boxes as ...
The introduction of Mathematica 6 in 2007 represented a revolutionary redefinition of Mathematica. Arriving only 18 months after Mathematica 6, Mathematica 7 represents ...
While the default settings for plots created in Mathematica are sufficient in most cases, nearly every aspect of plots is customizable. In addition to letting you change the ...
When plotting curves from data, there are several methods you can use to display the data points along the curve. While the default settings for displaying such plots are ...
Open opens a dialog box for opening an existing file.
ImageResolution is an option for Export, Rasterize, and related functions that specifies at what resolution bitmap images should be rendered.
$ExportFormats gives a list of export formats currently supported in your Mathematica system.
There are a number of features of the GUIKit framework that aid deployment of user interface definitions with your own AddOns so that they can be easily executed when needed. ...
Representing XML Importing XML Exporting XML
Program-constructible symbolic documents with uniquely flexible formatting.