(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Collect[expr, x] collects together terms involving the same powers of objects matching x. Collect[expr, {x_1, x_2, ...}] collects together terms that involve the same powers ...
ContinuedFraction[x, n] generates a list of the first n terms in the continued fraction representation of x. ContinuedFraction[x] generates a list of all terms that can be ...
ExponentialFamily is an option for GeneralizedLinearModelFit that specifies the exponential family for the model.
Ordering[list] gives the positions in list at which each successive element of Sort[list] appears. Ordering[list, n] gives the positions in list at which the first n elements ...
PermutationList[perm] returns a permutation list representation of permutation perm.PermutationList[perm, len] returns a permutation list of length len.
Mathematica represents Boolean expressions in symbolic form, so they can not only be evaluated, but also be symbolically manipulated and transformed. Incorporating ...
PermutationProduct[a, b, c] gives the product of permutations a, b, c.
Mathematica includes all the common special functions of mathematical physics found in standard handbooks. Each of the various classes of functions is discussed in turn. One ...
ToSymbolicXML[expr] converts an expression expr to an appropriate XML format and returns the result as SymbolicXML.
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) ArcGRID topographic data format. Standard distribution format of USGS National Map data. Stores terrain data. Bundle format, consisting of binary .adf and other files. ...