(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Cosh[z] gives the hyperbolic cosine of z.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Coth[z] gives the hyperbolic cotangent of z.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Cot[z] gives the cotangent of z.
DistributeDefinitions[s_1, s_2, ...] distributes all definitions for the symbols s_i to all parallel kernels.DistributeDefinitions["context"] distributes definitions for all ...
Eigenvectors[m] gives a list of the eigenvectors of the square matrix m. Eigenvectors[{m, a}] gives the generalized eigenvectors of m with respect to a. Eigenvectors[m, k] ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Factor[poly] factors a polynomial over the integers. Factor[poly, Modulus -> p] factors a polynomial modulo a prime p. Factor[poly, Extension -> {a_1, a_2, ...}] factors a ...
GammaRegularized[a, z] is the regularized incomplete gamma function Q(a, z).
GeoProjectionData["projection", " property"] gives the value of the specified property for the specified cartographic projection.GeoProjectionData["projection"] gives the ...
LevyDistribution[\[Mu], \[Sigma]] represents a Lévy distribution with location parameter \[Mu] and dispersion parameter \[Sigma].
LyapunovSolve[a, c] finds a solution x of the matrix Lyapunov equation a.x + x.a\[ConjugateTranspose] == c.LyapunovSolve[a, b, c] solves a.x + x.b == c.LyapunovSolve[{a, d}, ...