CellDingbat is an option for Cell which specifies what dingbat to use to emphasize a cell.
CellPrint[expr] inserts expr as a complete cell in the current notebook just below the cell being evaluated. CellPrint[{expr_1, expr_2, ...}] inserts a sequence of cells.
ColorConvert[expr, colspace] converts color specifications in expr to refer to the color space represented by colspace.
Colorize[m] generates an image from an integer matrix m, using colors for positive integers and black for non-positive integers.Colorize[image] replaces intensity values in ...
CompiledFunction[args...] represents compiled code for evaluating a compiled function.
ContourLabels is an option for contour plots that specifies how to label contours.
Contours is an option for contour plots that specifies the contours to draw.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Degree gives the number of radians in one degree. It has a numerical value of \[Pi]/180.
DeleteCases[expr, pattern] removes all elements of expr that match pattern. DeleteCases[expr, pattern, levelspec] removes all parts of expr on levels specified by levelspec ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) lhs == rhs returns True if lhs and rhs are identical.