ColorFunctionScaling is an option for graphics functions that specifies whether arguments supplied to a color function should be scaled to lie between 0 and 1.
ColumnLines is an option for the low-level function GridBox which specifies whether lines should be drawn between adjacent columns.
ColumnSpacings is an option for the low-level function GridBox which specifies the spaces in ems that should be inserted between adjacent columns.
expr_1; expr_2; ... evaluates the expr_i in turn, giving the last one as the result.
Continue[] exits to the nearest enclosing Do, For, or While in a procedural program.
CreateDirectory["dir"] creates a directory with name dir. CreateDirectory[] creates a directory in the default area for temporary directories on your computer system.
Direction is an option for Limit that specifies the direction in which the limit is taken.
FrameBox[box] is a low-level box construct which represents box with a frame drawn around it.
GenerateConditions is an option for Integrate, Sum, and similar functions that specifies whether explicit conditions on parameters should be generated in the result.
GraphicsColumn[{g_1, g_2, ...}] generates a graphic in which the g_i are laid out in a column, with g_1 above g_2, etc. GraphicsColumn[list, alignment] aligns each element ...