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HoytDistribution   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
HoytDistribution[q, \[Omega]] represents a Hoyt distribution with shape parameter q and spread parameter \[Omega].
Graphics Directives and Options   (Mathematica Tutorial)
When you set up a graphics object in Mathematica, you typically give a list of graphical elements. You can include in that list graphics directives which specify how ...
The Mathematica System   (Mathematica Overview)
Getting Used to Mathematica Differences between Computer Systems The Limits of Mathematica
HermiteH   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
HermiteH[n, x] gives the Hermite polynomial H_n (x).
Speak   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Speak[expr] speaks a spoken representation of the expression expr.
UnitStep   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
UnitStep[x] represents the unit step function, equal to 0 for x < 0 and 1 for x >= 0. UnitStep[x_1, x_2, ...] represents the multidimensional unit step function which is 1 ...
Nonlinear IVPs and BVPs   (Mathematica Tutorial)
Many real-world applications require the solution of IVPs and BVPs for nonlinear ODEs. For example, consider the logistic equation, which occurs in population dynamics. This ...
Sqrt   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Sqrt[z] or Sqrt[z] gives the square root of z.
Power   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
x^y gives x to the power y.
FRatioDistribution   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
FRatioDistribution[n, m] represents an F-ratio distribution with n numerator and m denominator degrees of freedom.
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