Huge numerical datasets are routine for Mathematica. Its powerful array primitives make large-scale array manipulation both easy to specify and highly efficient. And its ...
Statistical visualization is used to understand how data is distributed and how that compares to other datasets and distributions. Histograms and smooth histograms both ...
MeanShift[list, d] replaces each element in list by the mean of the values of all elements that differ by less than d.
FillingStyle is an option for ListPlot, Plot, Plot3D, and related functions that specifies the default style of filling to be used.
PlotLegend is an option for Plot, ListPlot, and related functions that assigns text to lines in a 2D plot to create a legend for that plot.
With origins stretching back several centuries, discrete calculus is now an increasingly central methodology for many problems related to discrete systems and algorithms. ...
Mathematica's symbolic document paradigm makes it uniquely easy to create complex structured documents programmatically, including both graphical elements and dynamic ...
Long the standard for high-quality function and surface visualization, Mathematica incorporates a host of original numeric, symbolic, and geometric algorithms that automate ...
PointSize[d] is a graphics directive which specifies that points which follow are to be shown if possible as circular regions with diameter d. The diameter d is given as a ...
Plot, ListPlot, and similar functions have new Filling and FillingStyle options.