There are a number of important interactions in Mathematica between evaluation and pattern matching. The first observation is that pattern matching is usually done on ...
Some common operations on special functions. Most special functions have simpler forms when given certain specific arguments. Mathematica will automatically simplify special ...
The connectivity and data-processing capabilities of Mathematica make it ideal for importing and analyzing data displayed on a website. In most cases, this is relatively ...
CoifletWavelet[] represents a Coiflet wavelet of order 2.CoifletWavelet[n] represents a Coiflet wavelet of order n.
ContinuousWaveletData[{{oct_1, voc_1} -> coef_1, ...}, wave] yields a continuous wavelet data object with wavelet coefficients coef_i corresponding to octave and voice ...
DaubechiesWavelet[] represents a Daubechies wavelet of order 2. DaubechiesWavelet[n] represents a Daubechies wavelet of order n.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Expand[expr] expands out products and positive integer powers in expr. Expand[expr, patt] leaves unexpanded any parts of expr that are free of the pattern patt. >
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Fourier[list] finds the discrete Fourier transform of a list of complex numbers.
FullSimplify[expr] tries a wide range of transformations on expr involving elementary and special functions, and returns the simplest form it finds. FullSimplify[expr, assum] ...
HaarWavelet[] represents a Haar wavelet.