ComplexExpand[expr] expands expr assuming that all variables are real. ComplexExpand[expr, {x_1, x_2, ...}] expands expr assuming that variables matching any of the x_i are ...
ConfidenceLevel is an option for LinearModelFit and other fitting functions that specifies the confidence level to use in generating parameter and prediction intervals.
ConstantArray[c, n] generates a list of n copies of the element c.ConstantArray[c, {n_1, n_2, ...}] generates an n_1*n_2*... array of nested lists containing copies of the ...
FittedModel[...] represents the symbolic fitted model obtained from functions like LinearModelFit.
GaborWavelet[] represents a Gabor wavelet of frequency 6.GaborWavelet[w] represents a Gabor wavelet of frequency w.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Gather[list] gathers the elements of list into sublists of identical elements.Gather[list, test] applies test to pairs of elements to determine if they should be considered ...
GeodesyData["name", " property"] gives the value of the specified property for a named geodetic datum or reference ellipsoid.GeodesyData[{a, b}, " property"] gives the value ...
ImageTransformation[image, function] gives an image in which each pixel at position {x, y} corresponds to the position function[{x, y}] in image.ImageTransformation[image, ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) LetterQ[string] yields True if all the characters in the string are letters, and yields False otherwise.
ListDeconvolve[ker, list] gives a deconvolution of list using kernel ker.