(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Sow[e] specifies that e should be collected by the nearest enclosing Reap. Sow[e, tag] specifies that e should be collected by the nearest enclosing Reap whose pattern ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Split[list] splits list into sublists consisting of runs of identical elements. Split[list, test] treats pairs of adjacent elements as identical whenever applying the ...
Standardize[list] shifts and rescales the elements of list to have zero mean and unit sample variance.Standardize[list, f_1] shifts the elements in list by f_1[list] and ...
SystemsModelDelete[sys, {i_1, i_2, ...}] deletes the subsystem of the StateSpaceModel or TransferFunctionModel object sys associated with inputs at position ...
Threshold[data] thresholds data by replacing values close to zero by zero.Threshold[data, tspec] thresholds data using threshold specification tspec.Threshold[image, ...] ...
ToString[expr] gives a string corresponding to the printed form of expr in OutputForm. ToString[expr, form] gives the string corresponding to output in the specified form.
The representation of algebraic numbers. When you enter a Root object, the polynomial that appears in it is automatically reduced to a minimal form. This extracts the pure ...
If you have an equation like 2x==0, it is perfectly clear that the only possible solution is x->0. However, if you have an equation like ax==0, things are not so clear. If a ...
Ways to change the overall options for a notebook. This creates a notebook displayed in a 40×30 window with a thin frame. Style options for a notebook.
Mathematica saves information about every plot you produce, so that you can later redraw it. When you redraw plots, you can change some of the options you use. Functions for ...