Mathematica's unified symbolic graphics architecture makes possible powerful mixing of programmatic graphics generation with interactive editing and control. The Mathematica ...
Basic two-dimensional graphics elements. Here is a line primitive. This shows the line as a two-dimensional graphics object.
Mathematica includes a wide selection of carefully chosen color schemes that can immediately be used throughout the Mathematica graphics and visualization system.
Mathematica allows full control of fonts, not only in ordinary text but also in typeset structures, graphics, and user interface elements. All features of fonts can be ...
ToDiscreteTimeModel[sys, \[Tau]] gives the discrete-time approximation with sampling period \[Tau] of the continuous-time StateSpaceModel or TransferFunctionModel object ...
Mathematica is the tool that has made possible Stephen Wolfram's exploration of the computational universe, and the emerging field of Wolfram Science (NKS). Whether for ...
Directly integrated into Mathematica's uniform architecture for handling lists of data is an array of highly optimized algorithms for transforming and smoothing datasets that ...
For many applications, high-level constructs like Manipulate and TabView will immediately give you the dynamic interactivity you need. Mathematica also allows you to create ...
Mathematica's unified symbolic architecture makes it straightforward to insert dynamic behavior anywhere in any graphic. Single functions—readily generated ...
Building on Mathematica's integrated symbolic architecture, it becomes easy to introduce powerful dynamic behavior into any aspect of visualization. Single Mathematica ...