(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Module[{x, y, ...}, expr] specifies that occurrences of the symbols x, y, ... in expr should be treated as local. Module[{x = x_0, ...}, expr] defines initial values for x, ...
The way modules work in Mathematica is basically very simple. Every time any module is used, a new symbol is created to represent each of its local variables. The new symbol ...
Mathematica normally assumes that all your variables are global. This means that every time you use a name like x, Mathematica normally assumes that you are referring to the ...
$ModuleNumber gives the current serial number to be used for local variables that are created.
DynamicModuleValues is an option for DynamicModule that stores downvalues of local symbols.
DynamicModule[{x, y, ...}, expr] represents an object which maintains the same local instance of the symbols x, y, ... in the course of all evaluations of Dynamic objects in ...
When you write a program in Mathematica, you should always try to set it up so that its parts are as independent as possible. In this way, the program will be easier for you ...
In many kinds of calculations, you may find yourself typing the same input to Mathematica over and over again. You can save yourself a lot of typing by defining a function ...
Module and With allow you to give a specific list of symbols whose names you want to treat as local. In some situations, however, you want to automatically treat certain ...
At the core of Mathematica is its highly developed symbolic language, which unifies a broad range of programming paradigms and uses its unique concept of symbolic programming ...