WaveletFilterCoefficients[wave, filt] gives the filter coefficients for the symbolic wavelet wave of type filt.
Many programs you write will involve operations that need to be iterated several times. Nest and NestList are powerful constructs for doing this. Applying functions of one ...
Connecting to a subsidiary program via MathLink. This starts a subsidiary Mathematica process on the computer system used here. Here is a packet representing the first input ...
DSolve returns a general solution for a problem if no initial or boundary conditions are specified. The general solution to this equation is returned. However, if initial or ...
When you ask for the square root s of a number a, you are effectively asking for the solution to the equation s^2a. This equation, however, in general has two different ...
Whenever machine-precision numbers appear in a calculation, the whole calculation is typically done in machine precision. Mathematica will then give machine-precision numbers ...
Mathematica always allows you to refer to special characters by using names such as ∖[Alpha] or explicit hexadecimal codes such as ∖:03b1. And when Mathematica writes out ...
General Mathematica patterns provide a powerful way to do string manipulation. But particularly if you are familiar with specialized string manipulation languages, you may ...
Many large-scale applications of linear algebra involve matrices that have many elements, but comparatively few that are nonzero. You can represent such sparse matrices ...
Text strings. The quotes are not included in standard Mathematica output form. In input form, the quotes are included.