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StringCases   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
StringCases["string", patt] gives a list of the substrings in " string" that match the string expression patt. StringCases["string", lhs -> rhs] gives a list of the values of ...
TransferFunctionCancel   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
TransferFunctionCancel[tf] cancels common poles and zeros in the TransferFunctionModel object tf.TransferFunctionCancel[tf, crit] cancels only common pole-zero pairs e_i for ...
Tuples   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Tuples[list, n] generates a list of all possible n-tuples of elements from list. Tuples[{list_1, list_2, ...}] generates a list of all possible tuples whose i\[Null] ...
UnitStep   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
UnitStep[x] represents the unit step function, equal to 0 for x < 0 and 1 for x >= 0. UnitStep[x_1, x_2, ...] represents the multidimensional unit step function which is 1 ...
WorkingPrecision   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
WorkingPrecision is an option for various numerical operations that specifies how many digits of precision should be maintained in internal computations.
Evaluation in Patterns, Rules, and ...   (Mathematica Tutorial)
There are a number of important interactions in Mathematica between evaluation and pattern matching. The first observation is that pattern matching is usually done on ...
Discrete Fourier Transforms   (Mathematica Tutorial)
A common operation in analyzing various kinds of data is to find the discrete Fourier transform (or spectrum) of a list of values. The idea is typically to pick out ...
Global System Information   (Mathematica Tutorial)
In order to write the most general Mathematica programs you will sometimes need to find out global information about the setup under which your program is being run. Thus, ...
Making Power Series Expansions   (Mathematica Tutorial)
Functions for creating power series. Here is the power series expansion for exp(x) about the point x0 to order x^4. Here is the series expansion of exp(x) about the point ...
Memory Management   (Mathematica Tutorial)
Finding memory usage. Particularly for symbolic computations, memory is usually the primary resource which limits the size of computations you can do. If a computation runs ...
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