Read::readt ReadList::readt Skip::readt
AccountingForm::expint EngineeringForm::expint NumberForm::expint PaddedForm::expint ScientificForm::expint
As of Version 6.0, FactorComplete has been superseded by FactorInteger[n, All] and FactorInteger[n, Automatic].
As of Version 7.0, FourierCoefficient is part of the built-in Mathematica kernel.
As of Version 8.0, ExpectedValue has been superseded by Expectation and NExpectation.
In Version 6.0, ExpandGraph has been superseded by AddVertices.
In Version 6.0, NthPermutation has been superseded by UnrankPermutation.
As of Version 7.0, DTFourierTransform has been renamed to FourierSequenceTransform and is part of the built-in Mathematica kernel.