(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Text[expr] displays with expr in plain text format. Text[expr, coords] is a graphics primitive that displays the textual form of expr centered at the point specified by ...
Mathematica makes it easy to "bulletproof" packages, and prevent features of their environment from affecting their internal operation.
file.nb is a Mathematica notebook file.
Stylesheet assigns a stylesheet to the current notebook.
Drawing Tools opens the 2D Drawing Tools palette.
Mathematica 6.0 defined a major new paradigm for computing, centered around the concept of the symbolic dynamic interface. Built on Mathematica's unique symbolic ...
Mathematica 6 introduced the revolutionary idea of symbolic dynamic interactivity. Mathematica 7 makes use of this idea throughout the system, and adds a number of additional ...
Why the Coloring? opens a dialog that explains any syntax coloring in the active notebook.
Delete All Output deletes all output cells in the current notebook.