NotebookSave[notebook] saves the current version of the specified notebook. NotebookSave[notebook, " file"] saves the notebook in the specified file. NotebookSave[] saves the ...
NotebookWrite[notebook, data] writes data into a notebook at the current selection, setting the current selection to be just after the data written. NotebookWrite[notebook, ...
NotebookClose[notebook] closes the notebook corresponding to the specified notebook object. NotebookClose[] closes the current evaluation notebook.
NotebookDirectory[] gives the directory of the current evaluation notebook. NotebookDirectory[nb] gives the directory for the notebook specified by nb.
NotebookObject[fe, id] is an object that represents an open notebook in the front end.
NotebookPut[expr] creates a notebook corresponding to expr and makes it the currently selected notebook in the front end. NotebookPut[] creates a new empty ...
Mathematica has over a thousand options that allow full control over every aspect of its interface. These options can be set interactively from menus, defined in stylesheets, ...
Notebook History displays a time record of changes made in the input notebook.
Notebook creates a new notebook.
SetSelectedNotebook[notebook] makes the specified notebook be the currently selected one in the front end.