Vectors and matrices in Mathematica are simply represented by lists and by lists of lists, respectively. The representation of vectors and matrices by lists. This is a 2×2 ...
Applying transformation rules. The replacement operator /. (pronounced "slash-dot") applies rules to expressions. You can give a list of rules to apply. Each rule will be ...
Since many functions in Mathematica give solutions in the form of rules, you need to be able to use these rules to explore and interpret your results. Although many of the ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Show[graphics, options] shows graphics with the specified options added. Show[g_1, g_2, ...] shows several graphics combined.
$DynamicEvaluation is a symbol whose value is True if it is evaluated as part of the evaluation of a Dynamic.
Shorthand notations are a part of Mathematica 's rich syntax system that allows multiple ways to feed arguments to functions. In addition to creating compact code, using ...
Mathematica uses the Microsoft math recognizer that is built into Windows 7 to recognize handwritten mathematical expressions. This allows you to enter handwritten ...
TransposePartition[p] reflects a partition p of k parts along the main diagonal, creating a partition with maximum part k.
HoldPattern[expr] is equivalent to expr for pattern matching, but maintains expr in an unevaluated form.
Here is an expression in full form. TreeForm prints out expressions to show their "tree" structure. You can think of any Mathematica expression as a tree. In the expression ...