ArrayRules[SparseArray[...]] gives the rules {pos_1 -> val_1, pos_2 -> val_2, ...} specifying elements in a sparse array. ArrayRules[list] gives rules for SparseArray[list].
Lists are normally specified in Mathematica just by giving explicit lists of their elements. But particularly in working with large arrays, it is often useful instead to be ...
Some operators used in basic arithmetic and algebra. Note that the for ∖[Cross] is distinguished by being drawn slightly smaller than the × for ∖[Times]. Interpretation of ...
Characters that are not letters, letter-like forms, or structural elements are treated by Mathematica as operators. Mathematica has built-in rules for interpreting all ...
Special-purpose multiprocessing hardware comes in two types, shared memory and distributed memory. In a shared-memory machine, all processors have access to a common main ...
All functionality from Statistics`LinearRegression` is available in the built-in Mathematica kernel.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) EdgeQ[g, e] yields True if e is an edge in the graph g and False otherwise.
NestWhile[f, expr, test] starts with expr, then repeatedly applies f until applying test to the result no longer yields True. NestWhile[f, expr, test, m] supplies the most ...
RootIntervals[{poly_1, poly_2, ...}] gives a list of isolating intervals for the real roots of any of the poly_i, together with a list of which polynomials actually have each ...
In just one Mathematica command, you can easily specify a calculation that is far too complicated for any computer to do. For example, you could ask for ...