Version 7.0 introduces built-in zero-configuration parallel computing. Taking full advantage of Mathematica's unique symbolic architecture, Version 7.0 provides an ...
Mathematica can run its calculations on other computers that have Mathematica installed. Passing computations to other, potentially more powerful, machines can increase the ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Clip[x] gives x clipped to be between -1 and +1. Clip[x, {min, max}] gives x for min <= x <= max, min for x < min and max for x > max. Clip[x, {min, max}, {v_min, v_max}] ...
FindPermutation[expr] gives a permutation that produces expr by permuting Sort[expr].FindPermutation[expr 1, expr 2] gives a permutation that converts expr_1 to expr_2 for ...
GaussianIntegers is an option for FactorInteger, PrimeQ, Factor, and related functions that specifies whether factorization should be done over Gaussian integers.
MachineNumberQ[expr] returns True if expr is a machine-precision real or complex number, and returns False otherwise.
NotebookFind[notebook, data] sets the current selection in the specified notebook object to be the next occurrence of data. NotebookFind[notebook, data, Previous] sets the ...
PlotRangeClipping is an option for graphics functions that specifies whether graphics objects should be clipped at the edge of the region defined by PlotRange, or should be ...
Shortest[p] is a pattern object that matches the shortest sequence consistent with the pattern p.
$MinPrecision gives the minimum number of digits of precision to be allowed in arbitrary-precision numbers.