In an expression like f[{a,b,c}] you are giving a list as the argument to a function. Often you need instead to apply a function directly to the elements of a list, rather ...
There are many detailed differences between different kinds of computer systems. But one of the important features of Mathematica is that it allows you to work and create ...
A linear ODE with constant coefficients can be easily solved once the roots of the auxiliary equation (or characteristic equation) are known. Some examples of this type ...
The simplest type of linear second-order ODE is one with constant coefficients. This linear second-order ODE has constant coefficients. Notice that the general solution is a ...
Simplifying expressions. Mathematica does not automatically simplify an algebraic expression like this. Simplify performs the simplification.
"Values for Symbols" discussed how you can use transformation rules of the form x->value to replace symbols by values. The notion of transformation rules in Mathematica is, ...
Functions for manipulating trigonometric expressions. This expands out a trigonometric expression. This factors the expression.
int MTensor_getComplex (MTensor t, mint*pos, mcomplex*pres) gets a single element of an MTensor of complex type.
int MTensor_getInteger (MTensor t, mint*pos, mint*pres) gets an element from an MTensor of integer type.
int MTensor_getInteger (MTensor t, mint*pos, mint numpos, MTensor*pres) gets a subtensor element from an MTensor.