int MTensor_getInteger (MTensor t, mint*pos, mreal*pres) gets a single element of an MTensor of real type.
void MTensor_setComplex (MTensor t, mint*pos, mcomplex value) sets a single element of an MTensor of complex type.
void MTensor_setInteger (MTensor t, mint*pos, mint value) sets a single element of an MTensor of integer type.
int MTensor_setReal (MTensor t, mint*pos, mreal value) sets a single element of an MTensor of real type.
The single command Manipulate lets you create an astonishing range of interactive applications with just a few lines of input. Manipulate is designed to be used by anyone who ...
BreadthFirstScan[g, s, {"event_1" -> f_1, "event_2" -> f_2, ...}] performs a breadth-first scan (bfs) of the graph g starting at the vertex s and evaluates f_i whenever ...
Mathematica provides a broad range of powerful constructs for laying out content on a screen or page. They are designed to be immediately useful for the beginner, yet also ...
Mathematica includes all the common special functions of mathematical physics found in standard handbooks. Each of the various classes of functions is discussed in turn. One ...
The first step in using a database is making a connection. This part of the tutorial discusses how to do this. If you are just starting to use DatabaseLink, you might want to ...