ContinuousWaveletData[{{oct_1, voc_1} -> coef_1, ...}, wave] yields a continuous wavelet data object with wavelet coefficients coef_i corresponding to octave and voice ...
Polynomial algorithms are at the core of classical "computer algebra". Incorporating methods that span from antiquity to the latest cutting-edge research at Wolfram Research, ...
Differences[list] gives the successive differences of elements in list. Differences[list, n] gives the n\[Null]^th differences of list. Differences[list, {n_1, n_2, ...}] ...
SQLTableNames[conn] returns the names of each table in an SQL connection.
Basic Objects Input Syntax Some General Notations and Conventions
HexadecimalCharacter represents a hexadecimal digit character 0\[Dash]9, a\[Dash]f, A\[Dash]F in StringExpression.
PolynomialQ[expr, var] yields True if expr is a polynomial in var, and yields False otherwise. PolynomialQ[expr, {var_1, ...}] tests whether expr is a polynomial in the var_i.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Expand[expr] expands out products and positive integer powers in expr. Expand[expr, patt] leaves unexpanded any parts of expr that are free of the pattern patt. >
WaveletMapIndexed[f, wd] applies the function f to the arrays of coefficients and indices of a ContinuousWaveletData or DiscreteWaveletData object.WaveletMapIndexed[f, dwd, ...
You may find it useful to use one or more rules with an expression several times. Mathematica provides functions that let you iterate when using rules with expressions. In ...