ArrayRules[SparseArray[...]] gives the rules {pos_1 -> val_1, pos_2 -> val_2, ...} specifying elements in a sparse array. ArrayRules[list] gives rules for SparseArray[list].
Background is an option that specifies what background color to use.
BorelTannerDistribution[\[Alpha], n] represents a Borel\[Dash]Tanner distribution with shape parameters \[Alpha] and n.
GaussianMatrix[r] gives a matrix that corresponds to a Gaussian kernel of radius r. GaussianMatrix[{r, \[Sigma]}] gives a matrix corresponding to a Gaussian kernel with ...
HornerForm[poly] puts the polynomial poly in Horner form.HornerForm[poly, vars] puts poly in Horner form with respect to the variable or variable list ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Im[z] gives the imaginary part of the complex number z.
InputField[] represents a blank editable input field. InputField[x] represents an editable input field that currently contains the expression x. InputField[Dynamic[x]] takes ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Panel[expr] displays as a panel containing expr. Panel[expr, title] gives the panel the specified title. Panel[expr, title, pos] places title at a position specified by pos. ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Re[z] gives the real part of the complex number z.
The differential equations that arise in practice are of two types. Here is an example of the first type. Here is an example of the second type. This equation has a symbolic ...