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CrossMatrix   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
CrossMatrix[r] gives a matrix whose elements are 1 in a centered cross-shaped region that extends r positions along each index direction, and are 0 otherwise.CrossMatrix[r, ...
Darker   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Darker[color] represents a darker version of the specified color. Darker[color, f] represents a version of the specified color darkened by a fraction f. Darker[image, ...] ...
DiamondMatrix   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
DiamondMatrix[r] gives a matrix whose elements are 1 in a diamond-shaped region that extends r index positions to each side, and are 0 otherwise.DiamondMatrix[r, w] gives a ...
DiskMatrix   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
DiskMatrix[r] gives a matrix whose elements are 1 in a disk-shaped region of radius r, and are otherwise 0.DiskMatrix[r, w] gives a w*w matrix containing a disk of 1s with ...
GainPhaseMargins   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
GainPhaseMargins[sys] gives the gain and phase margins of the linear time-invariant system sys.
Lighter   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Lighter[color] represents a lighter version of the specified color. Lighter[color, f] represents a version of the specified color lightened by a fraction f. Lighter[image, ...
Specularity   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Specularity[s] is a graphics directive which specifies that surfaces of 3D graphics objects which follow are to be taken to have specularity s. Specularity[s, n] uses ...
TetGenGetElementAttributes   (TetGenLink Package Symbol)
TetGenGetElementAttributes[expr] gets the element attributes in a TetGen expression.
TetGenGetFacets   (TetGenLink Package Symbol)
TetGenGetFacets[expr] returns the facets for a TetGen expression.
TetGenSetFacets   (TetGenLink Package Symbol)
TetGenSetFacets[expr, vertices] sets the facets for a TetGen expression.
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