LogLikelihood[dist, {x_1, x_2, ...}] gives the log-likelihood function for observations x_1, x_2, ... from the distribution dist.
Placeholder[name] represents a placeholder labeled with name that indicates a place to type.Placeholder[] gives the empty placeholder \[Placeholder].
The following graph represents an impulse response of an ideal Low Pass Filter (LPF). This graph illustrates some of the ways of interacting with graphics. Details on each ...
(Numerical Differential Equation Analysis Package Symbol) ButcherPlot[tree] gives a plot of tree.ButcherPlot[{tree_1, tree_2, ...}] gives an array of plots of tree_1, tree_2, ....
StabilityMargins is an option to frequency response plots such as BodePlot, NyquistPlot, and NicholsPlot that specifies the gain and phase margins to be shown on the plot.
(Error Bar Plots Package Symbol) ErrorBar[{ negerror, poserror }] error in the positive and negative directions.ErrorBar[yerr] error yerr in both the positive and negative directions.ErrorBar[xerr, yerr] ...
ColumnLabels is an option for StemLeafPlot which specifies the labels for columns.
SetOptions[s, name_1 -> value_1, name_2 -> value_2, ...] sets the specified default options for a symbol s. SetOptions[stream, ...] or SetOptions["name", ...] sets options ...
Basic Plotting Options for Graphics Redrawing and Combining Plots
AlignmentPoint is an option which specifies how objects should by default be aligned when they appear in Inset.