(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Boole[expr] yields 1 if expr is True and 0 if it is False.
Computable Document Format (CDF) files supply a rich deployment method leveraging the power and flexibility of the Mathematica language with the wide distribution provided by ...
FourierSequenceTransform[expr, n, \[Omega]] gives the Fourier sequence transform of expr.FourierSequenceTransform[expr, {n_1, n_2, ...}, {\[Omega]_1, \[Omega]_2, ...}] gives ...
JacobiDS[u, m] gives the Jacobi elliptic function ds(u | m).
JacobiSD[u, m] gives the Jacobi elliptic function sd(u | m).
NotebookSelection[] represents the current selection in the current evaluation notebook in the front end.NotebookSelection[nb] represents the current selection associated ...
PopupView[{expr_1, expr_2, ...}] represents an object which displays as a popup menu whose items are the expr_i.PopupView[{expr_1, expr_2, ...}, i] makes the i\[Null]^th ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Reverse[expr] reverses the order of the elements in expr. Reverse[expr, n] reverses elements at level n in expr.Reverse[expr, {n_1, n_2, ...}] reverses elements at levels ...
SpheroidalJoiningFactor[n, m, \[Gamma]] gives the spheroidal joining factor with degree n and order m.
ViewVector is an option for Graphics3D and related functions which specifies the position and direction of a simulated camera used to view three-dimensional objects.