InverseEllipticNomeQ[q] gives the parameter m corresponding to the nome q in an elliptic function.
LogGamma[z] gives the logarithm of the gamma function log \[CapitalGamma](z).
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Mod[m, n] gives the remainder on division of m by n. Mod[m, n, d] uses an offset d.
QPochhammer[a, q, n] gives the q-Pochhammer symbol (a; q) n.QPochhammer[a, q] gives the q-Pochhammer symbol (a; q) \[Infinity].QPochhammer[q] gives the q-Pochhammer symbol ...
ShearingTransform[\[Theta], v, n] gives a TransformationFunction that represents a shear by \[Theta] radians along the direction of the vector v, normal to the vector n, and ...
WaveletThreshold[dwd] thresholds the detail wavelet coefficients in the DiscreteWaveletData object dwd.WaveletThreshold[dwd, tspec] thresholds the coefficients using the ...
WeierstrassP[u, {g_2, g_3}] gives the Weierstrass elliptic function \[WeierstrassP](u; g_2, g_3).
WeierstrassSigma[u, {g_2, g_3}] gives the Weierstrass sigma function \[Sigma](u; g_2, g_3).
Many real-world applications require the solution of IVPs and BVPs for nonlinear ODEs. For example, consider the logistic equation, which occurs in population dynamics. This ...
DistributionFitTest[data] tests whether data is normally distributed. DistributionFitTest[data, dist] tests whether data is distributed according to dist. ...