Extrapolation methods are a class of arbitrary-order methods with automatic order and step-size control. The error estimate comes from computing a solution over an interval ...
The functions accessible with Wolfram LibraryLink make it possible to optimize numerical computations while still keeping the flexibility and generality of Mathematica. If ...
The numerical method of lines is a technique for solving partial differential equations by discretizing in all but one dimension, and then integrating the semi-discrete ...
Probability[pred, x \[Distributed] dist] gives the probability for an event that satisfies the predicate pred under the assumption that x follows the probability distribution ...
An integration rule computes an estimate of an integral over a region, typically using a weighted sum. In the context of NIntegrate usage, an integration rule object provides ...
ParametricPlot3D::glims ContourPlot::glims DensityPlot::glims Plot3D::glims
Graphics3D::gsing Plot3D::gsing
ParametricPlot::plld Plot::plld Plot3D::plld ContourPlot::plld DensityPlot::plld ParametricPlot3D::plld Play::plld
ContourPlot::ppts DensityPlot::ppts ParametricPlot::ppts ParametricPlot3D::ppts Plot::ppts Plot3D::ppts