InverseGaussianDistribution[\[Mu], \[Lambda]] represents an inverse Gaussian distribution with mean \[Mu] and scale parameter \[Lambda].InverseGaussianDistribution[\[Mu], ...
StateFeedbackGains[ss, {p_1, p_2, ..., p_n}] gives the state feedback gain matrix for the StateSpaceModel object ss such that the poles of the closed-loop system are p_i.
The function NDSolve discussed in "Numerical Differential Equations" allows you to find numerical solutions to differential equations. NDSolve handles both single ...
CopulaDistribution[ker, {dist_1, dist_2, ...}] represents a copula distribution with kernel distribution ker and marginal distributions dist_1, dist_2, ....
The default behavior for a function in Mathematica is carefully chosen to be suitable for the vast majority of cases. Mathematica also gives you fine-grained control over the ...
Mathematica gives you the ability to fine-tune the level of detail for your plots. To get a rough sketch of a plot, you can tell Mathematica to plot fewer points. The more ...
Mathematica offers extensive support for plotting all kinds of data in many different ways.
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) GPX global positioning data. Standard format for exchanging GPS location data. Stores GIS data recorded with GPS devices. GPX is an acronym for GPS Exchange Format. XML ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) MIME type: model/x-pov POV-Ray 3D scene description language and format. Used for storing 3D models and scene descriptions. Native file format of the POV-Ray raytracing ...
BezierCurve[{pt_1, pt_2, ...}] is a graphics primitive that represents a Bézier curve with control points pt_i.