DataRanges is an option for PairwiseScatterPlot which specifies range limits for each column of data.
3D graphics can be created with a number of powerful Mathematica functions. 3D graphics in Mathematica can be rotated and zoomed using a standard mouse or even a joystick or ...
mathematica starts the full Mathematica system including notebook interface on Unix and Linux.
AbelianGroup[{n_1, n_2, ...}] represents the direct product of the cyclic groups of degrees n_1, n_2, ....
CellFrameMargins is an option for Cell which specifies the absolute margins in printer's points to leave inside a frame that is drawn around a cell.
CellFrame is an option for Cell which specifies whether a frame should be drawn around a cell.
ContentSize is an option for Manipulate and other functions that specifies the size of the content area to use.
EdgeRenderingFunction is an option for GraphPlot and related functions that gives a function to generate the graphics primitives to use in rendering each edge.
FindDivisions[{x_min, x_max}, n] finds a list of about n "nice" numbers that divide the interval around x_min to x_max into equally spaced parts. FindDivisions[{x_min, x_max, ...
Haversine[z] gives the haversine function hav(z).