In Version 6, ListIntegrate has been superseded by Integrate[Interpolation[data, InterpolationOrder -> k][x], {x, Max[x_c], Min[x_c]}], for data = {{x_1, y_1}, ..., {x_n, ...
As of Version 7.0, DesignedRegress has been superseded by LinearModelFit.
(Obsolete Linear Regression Package Symbol) As of Version 7.0, Regress has been superseded by LinearModelFit.
The built-in function Fit finds a least-squares fit to a list of data as a linear combination of the specified basis functions. The functions Regress and DesignedRegress ...
As of Version 7.0, NonlinearRegress has been superseded by NonlinearModelFit and is part of the built-in Mathematica kernel.
(Obsolete Regression Common Package Symbol) As of Version 7.0, CookD has been renamed to "CookDistances" and has become a property of LinearModelFit.
Some of the functionality of the World Plotting Package is now available in CountryData.
In Mathematica 6.0, ButtonMargins has been superseded by the FrameMargins option of Button.
As of Version 6.0, DefaultColor has been superseded by the more general option BaseStyle.
This tutorial shows a number of examples of the use of Mathematica for computations that involve linear algebra. Certain sparse matrix techniques try to reorder the matrix so ...