(Mathematica Front End Token) "Radical" is a front end token that creates a SqrtBox and fills the base with a selection.
"Subscript" is a front end token that creates a SubscriptBox and fills the base with a selection.
"Superscript" is a front end token that creates a SuperscriptBox and fills the base with a selection.
Default View resets the view point for the selected (or clicked upon) 3D graphic to the default orientation.
Front View sets the view point for the selected (or clicked upon) 3D graphic to the default front orientation.
New Graphic creates a new graphic at the insertion point.
Top View sets the view point for the selected (or clicked upon) 3D graphic to the default top orientation.
GeoGridPosition[{x, y, z}, projection] represents a point {x, y, z} in a planimetric cartographic grid using the specified projection.
$ImagingDevices gives a list of available imaging devices.
Start with the expression that will be the numerator. Type x. Create a built-up fraction by pressing the Control and / keys at the same time. The placeholder in the ...