Density and contour plots. This gives a density plot of sin(x) sin(y). Lighter regions show higher values of the function. Some options for DensityPlot.
SplineWeights is an option for B-spline functions and graphics primitives that specifies weights of control points.
TranslationTransform[v] gives a TransformationFunction that represents translation of points by a vector v.
Mathematica's integrated symbolic architecture makes possible a uniquely powerful and streamlined approach to labeling and legending, in which metadata can manually or ...
CoordinatesFromCartesian[pt] gives the coordinates in the default coordinate system of the point pt given in Cartesian coordinates. CoordinatesFromCartesian[pt, coordsys] ...
CoordinatesToCartesian[pt] gives the Cartesian coordinates of the point pt given in the default coordinate system. CoordinatesToCartesian[pt, coordsys] gives the Cartesian ...
ExtentElementFunction is an option to DiscretePlot and DiscretePlot3D that gives a function to use to generate the primitives for rendering each extent element.
NumberSeparator is an option for NumberForm and related functions which gives the string to insert at breaks between digits.
Introduction to Editing Mathematica Graphics Drawing Tools Selecting Graphics Objects