InterpolatingPolynomial[{f_1, f_2, ...}, x] constructs an interpolating polynomial in x which reproduces the function values f_i at successive integer values 1, 2, ... of x. ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Read[stream] reads one expression from an input stream and returns the expression. Read[stream, type] reads one object of the specified type. Read[stream, {type_1, type_2, ...
GrayLevel[level] is a graphics directive that specifies the gray-level intensity with which objects that follow should be displayed. GrayLevel[g, a] specifies opacity a.
MathLink allows you to exchange data of any type with external programs. For more common types of data, you simply need to give appropriate :ArgumentTypes: or :ReturnType: ...
Mathematica provides state-of-the-art high-precision geodesy computation, supporting all standard datums and projections.
Mathematica's unified symbolic graphics architecture makes possible powerful mixing of programmatic graphics generation with interactive editing and control. The Mathematica ...
Mathematica includes a variety of non-printing characters, some used to fine-tune layout, and others used to define precise syntactic interpretations while maintaining the ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) Wavefront OBJ format. 3D geometry format. Used for storage and exchange of 3D geometry definitions. Native format of the Wavefront application. Stores a geometry as a ...
Complete Selection completes a partially typed function name.
Find searches the current notebook for matches to the text contained in the Search for: field of the dialog box.