(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Front is a symbol that represents the front of a graphic for purposes of placement and alignment.
IntervalMemberQ[interval, x] gives True if the number x lies within the specified interval, and False otherwise. IntervalMemberQ[interval_1, interval_2] gives True if ...
VertexSize is an option and property for Graph and related functions that specifies the size used for vertices.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Filling is an option for ListPlot, Plot, Plot3D, and related functions that specifies what filling to add under points, curves, and surfaces.
AnchoredSearch is an option for Find and FindList that specifies whether the text searched for must be at the beginning of a record.
Financial visualization is used to understand how the price of stocks, commodities, currencies, etc. changes over time. Candlesticks and related charts use stylized glyphs to ...
FillingStyle is an option for ListPlot, Plot, Plot3D, and related functions that specifies the default style of filling to be used.
In three dimensions, just as in two dimensions, you can give various graphics directives to specify how the different elements in a graphics object should be rendered. All ...
$MachineEpsilon gives the difference between 1.0 and the next-nearest number representable as a machine-precision number.
Basic 3D plotting function. This makes a three-dimensional plot of the function sin(xy). Three-dimensional graphics can be rotated in place by dragging the mouse inside of ...