(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Normal[expr] converts expr to a normal expression, from a variety of special forms.
VertexShapeFunction is an option and property for Graph and related functions that specifies a function to use to generate primitives for rendering each vertex.
ViewMatrix is an option for Graphics3D and related functions that can be used to specify a pair of explicit homogeneous transformation and projection matrices for 3D ...
CUDAClamp[lst] clamps the values of lst between automatically determined values.CUDAClamp[lst, low, high] clamps the values of lst between low and high.
Groups admit many different representations. In particular, all finite groups can be represented as permutation groups, that is, they are always isomorphic to a subgroup of ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Disk[{x, y}, r] is a two-dimensional graphics primitive that represents a filled disk of radius r centered at the point x, y. Disk[{x, y}] gives a disk of radius 1. Disk[{x, ...
ListCurvePathPlot[{{x_1, y_1}, {x_2, y_2}, ...}] plots a curve that corresponds to a smooth path through the specified points.
Cluster analysis is an unsupervised learning technique used for classification of data. Data elements are partitioned into groups called clusters that represent proximate ...
ListPolarPlot[{r_1, r_2, ...}] plots points equally spaced in angle at radii r_i.ListPolarPlot[{{\[Theta]_1, r_1}, {\[Theta]_2, r_2}, ...}] plots points at polar coordinates ...
ProbabilityPlot[list] generates a plot of the CDF of list against the CDF of a normal distribution.ProbabilityPlot[dist] generates a plot of the CDF of the distribution dist ...