RandomGraph[{n, m}] gives a pseudorandom graph with n vertices and m edges.RandomGraph[{n, m}, k] gives a list of k pseudorandom graphs.RandomGraph[gdist, ...] samples from ...
StarGraph[n] gives the star graph with n vertices S_n.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Texture[obj] is a graphics directive that specifies that obj should be used as a texture on faces of polygons and other filled graphics objects.
TuranGraph[n, k] gives the k-partite Turán graph with n vertices T n, k.
WeightedAdjacencyGraph[wmat] gives the graph with weighted adjacency matrix wmat.WeightedAdjacencyGraph[{v_1, v_2, ...}, wmat] gives the graph with vertices v_i and weighted ...
WheelGraph[n] gives the wheel graph with n vertices W_n.
These "How tos" give step-by-step instructions for common tasks related to editing and manipulating graphics in Mathematica .
ConwayGroupCo2[] represents the sporadic simple Conway group Co_2.
FischerGroupFi22[] represents the sporadic simple Fischer group Fi_22.
FischerGroupFi23[] represents the sporadic simple Fischer group Fi_23.