StableDistribution[type, \[Alpha], \[Beta], \[Mu], \[Sigma]] represents the stable distribution S_type with index of stability \[Alpha], skewness parameter \[Beta], location ...
WaveletThreshold[dwd] thresholds the detail wavelet coefficients in the DiscreteWaveletData object dwd.WaveletThreshold[dwd, tspec] thresholds the coefficients using the ...
Mathematica provides functions for the aesthetic drawing of graphs. Algorithms implemented include spring embedding, spring-electrical embedding, high-dimensional embedding, ...
DifferenceDelta[f, i] gives the discrete difference \[DifferenceDelta]_i f = f(i + 1) - f(i).DifferenceDelta[f, {i, n}] gives the multiple difference DifferenceDelta[f, {i, ...
DirichletDistribution[{\[Alpha]_1, ..., \[Alpha] k +1}] represents a Dirichlet distribution of dimension k with shape parameters \[Alpha]_i.
FindGeometricTransform[pts_1, pts_2] finds a geometric transformation between two geometries pts_1 and pts_2, returning the alignment error together with the transformation ...
StreamScale is an option to StreamPlot, ListStreamPlot, and related functions that determines the length and arrowhead size of streamlines that are drawn.
This example demonstrates various techniques for designing a progress bar dialog and a number of options available to wrap the reusable widget involved. Here is one technique ...
LogPlot, ListLogPlot, and related functions have been added to the built-in Mathematica kernel. PolarPlot and ListPolarPlot have been added to the built-in Mathematica ...
CityData["name", " property"] gives the value of the specified property for the city with the specified name.CityData["name"] gives a list of the full specifications of ...