ToCCodeString[symbolicC] generates a string of C code from a symbolic C expression.
FindShortestPath[g, s, t] finds the shortest path from source vertex s to target vertex t in the graph g.FindShortestPath[g, s, All] generates a ShortestPathFunction[...] ...
NumericQ[expr] gives True if expr is a numeric quantity, and False otherwise.
InverseHaversine[z] gives the inverse haversine function hav -1 (z).
PriceGraphDistribution[n, k, a] represents a de Solla Price graph distribution for n-vertex graphs where a new vertex with k edges is added at each step using attractiveness ...
StringMatchQ["string", patt] tests whether " string" matches the string pattern patt. StringMatchQ["string", RegularExpression["regex"]] tests whether " string" matches the ...
UniformGraphDistribution[n, m] represents a uniform graph distribution on n-vertex, m-edge graphs.
WattsStrogatzGraphDistribution[n, p] represents the Watts\[Dash]Strogatz graph distribution for n-vertex graphs with rewiring probability p.WattsStrogatzGraphDistribution[n, ...
BarabasiAlbertGraphDistribution[n, k] represents a Barabasi\[Dash]Albert graph distribution for n-vertex graphs where a new vertex with k edges is added at each step.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Nand[e_1, e_2, ...] is the logical NAND function. It evaluates its arguments in order, giving True immediately if any of them are False, and False if they are all True.