ListContourPlot[array] generates a contour plot from an array of height values. ListContourPlot[{{x_1, y_1, f_1}, {x_2, y_2, f_2}, ...}] generates a contour plot from values ...
ListDensityPlot[array] generates a smooth density plot from an array of values. ListDensityPlot[{{x_1, y_1, f_1}, {x_2, y_2, f_2}, ...}] generates a density plot with values ...
Monte Carlo methods use randomly generated numbers or events to simulate random processes and estimate complicated results. For example, they are used to model financial ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Norm[expr] gives the norm of a number, vector or matrix. Norm[expr, p] gives the p-norm.
DesignMatrix[{{x_11, x_12, ..., y_1}, {x_21, x_22, ..., y_2}, ...}, {f_1, f_2, ...}, {x_1, x_2, ...}] constructs the design matrix for the linear model \[Beta]_0 + \[Beta]_1 ...
ListPlot3D[array] generates a three-dimensional plot of a surface representing an array of height values. ListPlot3D[{{x_1, y_1, z_1}, {x_2, y_2, z_2}, ...}] generates a plot ...
ConfidenceLevel is an option for LinearModelFit and other fitting functions that specifies the confidence level to use in generating parameter and prediction intervals.
RandomComplex[] gives a pseudorandom complex number with real and imaginary parts in the range 0 to 1.RandomComplex[{z_min, z_max}] gives a pseudorandom complex number in the ...
Standardize[list] shifts and rescales the elements of list to have zero mean and unit sample variance.Standardize[list, f_1] shifts the elements in list by f_1[list] and ...
ChartLayout is an option to charting functions which specifies the overall layout to use.