ErrorListPlot[{{y_1, dy_1}, {y_2, dy_2}, ...}] plots points corresponding to a list of values y_1, y_2, ..., with corresponding error bars. The errors have magnitudes dy_1, ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) ArrayQ[expr] gives True if expr is a full array or a SparseArray object, and gives False otherwise. ArrayQ[expr, patt] requires expr to be a full array with a depth that ...
BezierCurve[{pt_1, pt_2, ...}] is a graphics primitive that represents a Bézier curve with control points pt_i.
CriticalSection[{var_1, var_2, ...}, expr] locks the variables var_i with respect to parallel computation, evaluates expr, then releases the var_i.
FilledCurve[{segment_1, segment_2, ...}] represents a filled curve consisting of segment_1 followed by segment_2 etc. FilledCurve[{component_1, component_2, ...}] represents ...
GraphicsGrid[{{g_11, g_12, ...}, ...}] generates a graphic in which the g_ij are laid out in a two-dimensional grid.
InverseBetaRegularized[s, a, b] gives the inverse of the regularized incomplete beta function.
InverseCDF[dist, q] gives the inverse of the cumulative distribution function for the symbolic distribution dist as a function of the variable q.
InverseErfc[s] gives the inverse complementary error function obtained as the solution for z in s = erfc(z).
InverseGammaRegularized[a, s] gives the inverse of the regularized incomplete gamma function.