MeanFilter[image, r] filters image by replacing every value by the mean value in its range r neighborhood. MeanFilter[data, r] applies mean filtering to an array of data.
MedianFilter[image, r] filters image by replacing every value by the median in its range r neighborhood. MedianFilter[data, r] applies median filtering to an array of data.
MinFilter[image, r] filters image by replacing every value by the minimum in its range r neighborhood. MinFilter[data, r] applies min filtering to an array of data.
ImageTransformation[image, function] gives an image in which each pixel at position {x, y} corresponds to the position function[{x, y}] in image.ImageTransformation[image, ...
Mathematica has three functions for generating pseudorandom numbers that are distributed uniformly over a range of values. Pseudorandom number generation. Generating tables ...
CoordinateRanges[] gives the intervals over which each of the coordinates in the default coordinate system may range. CoordinateRanges[coordsys] gives the ranges for each of ...
ParallelMap[f, expr] applies f in parallel to each element on the first level in expr.ParallelMap[f, expr, levelspec] applies f in parallel to parts of expr specified by ...
WeightRange is an option to the functions SetEdgeWeights and SetVertexWeights that gives the range for these weights.
Compress[expr] gives a compressed representation of expr as a string.
LatitudeLongitude[pos] gives a list of the latitude and longitude in degrees of a geographic position specified by pos.LatitudeLongitude[pos, datum] gives the latitude and ...