Animator[u] represents an object that displays with the value of u being continually increased from 0 to 1 with time. Animator[u, {u_min, u_max}] makes u vary from u_min to ...
DiagonalMatrix[list] gives a matrix with the elements of list on the leading diagonal, and 0 elsewhere. DiagonalMatrix[list, k] gives a matrix with the elements of list on ...
EngineeringForm[expr] prints with all real numbers in expr given in engineering notation. EngineeringForm[expr, n] prints with numbers given to n-digit precision.
PaddedForm[expr, n] prints with all numbers in expr padded to leave room for a total of n digits. PaddedForm[expr, {n, f}] prints with approximate real numbers having exactly ...
ScientificForm[expr] prints with all real numbers in expr given in scientific notation. ScientificForm[expr, n] prints with numbers given to n-digit precision.
ReliefImage[array] generates a relief image of an array of height values.
ListCorrelate[ker, list] forms the correlation of the kernel ker with list. ListCorrelate[ker, list, k] forms the cyclic correlation in which the k \[Null]^th element of ker ...
DistributeDefinitions[s_1, s_2, ...] distributes all definitions for the symbols s_i to all parallel kernels.DistributeDefinitions["context"] distributes definitions for all ...
NicholsPlot[g] gives the Nichols plot of a rational function g in one complex variable.NicholsPlot[sys] gives the Nichols plot of a TransferFunctionModel or StateSpaceModel ...
Mathematica can import—and often export—standard formats used in chemistry, molecular biology and bioinformatics, routinely handling a full range of molecular types, as well ...