(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Raster[{{a_11, a_12, ...}, ...}] is a two-dimensional graphics primitive which represents a rectangular array of gray cells. Raster[{{{r_11, g_11, b_11}, ...}, ...}] ...
LineIntegralConvolutionPlot[{{v_x, v_y}, image}, {x, x_min, x_max}, {y, y_min, y_max}] generates a line integral convolution plot of image convolved with the vector field ...
ConstantArray[c, n] generates a list of n copies of the element c.ConstantArray[c, {n_1, n_2, ...}] generates an n_1*n_2*... array of nested lists containing copies of the ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) LetterQ[string] yields True if all the characters in the string are letters, and yields False otherwise.
PermutationList[perm] returns a permutation list representation of permutation perm.PermutationList[perm, len] returns a permutation list of length len.
CUDAClosing[img, r] gives the closing of img with respect to a range-r square.CUDAClosing[list, r] gives the closing of list with respect to a range-r square.CUDAClosing[mem, ...
ArrayPlot[array] generates a plot in which the values in an array are shown in a discrete array of squares.
LaplacianFilter[image, r] convolves image with a range r Laplacian kernel.LaplacianFilter[image, {r_1, r_2}] uses ranges r_i in the vertical and horizontal ...
Color names are available in the new kernel function ColorData.
(Mathematica Compatibility Information) As of Version 7, the Pie Charts Package has been integrated into the Mathematica kernel.