SphericalPlot3D[r, \[Theta], \[Phi]] generates a 3D plot with a spherical radius r as a function of spherical coordinates \[Theta] and \[Phi].SphericalPlot3D[r, {\[Theta], ...
DiscreteWaveletTransform[data] gives the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) of an array of data.DiscreteWaveletTransform[data, wave] gives the discrete wavelet transform using ...
TreeGraph[{v_1, v_2, ...}, {u_1, u_2, ...}] yields a tree where u_i is the predecessor of v_i.TreeGraph[{e_1, e_2, ...}] yields a tree with edges e_j.TreeGraph[{v_1, v_2, ...
SymbolicC supports working with C functions, as described in this section. First, you need to load the package. Now, you can create a C function with CFunction.
SymbolicC has a number of functions for working with the C preprocessor. These allow you to set up including header files, defining macros, as well as setting up conditional ...
NVariationalBound[f, u[x ], {x, x_min, x_max}, u_t, {a, a_0}, {b, b_0}, ...] numerically searches for values of the parameters a, b, ... of a trial function u_t, starting ...
The basic problem of the calculus of variations is to determine the function u(x) that extremizes a functional F=∫_SubscriptBox[x^StyleBox[min, FontSlant -> Italic], ...
While the default settings for plots created in Mathematica are sufficient in most cases, nearly every aspect of plots is customizable. In addition to letting you change the ...
Transformation rules in Mathematica let you set local values for symbols, functions, and all other types of expressions. Using rules provides a powerful and extensible method ...
NDSolve solves a differential equation numerically. It returns solutions in a form that can be readily used in many different ways. One typical use would be to produce a plot ...