JacobiNC[u, m] gives the Jacobi elliptic function nc(u | m).
JacobiNS[u, m] gives the Jacobi elliptic function ns(u | m).
JacobiSC[u, m] gives the Jacobi elliptic function sc(u | m).
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) NSolve[expr, vars] attempts to find numerical approximations to the solutions of the system expr of equations or inequalities for the variables vars. NSolve[expr, vars, ...
SymmetricPolynomial[k, {x_1, ..., x_n}] gives the k\[Null]^th elementary symmetric polynomial in the variables x_1, ..., x_n.
WorkingPrecision is an option for various numerical operations that specifies how many digits of precision should be maintained in internal computations.
Here is one way to get multiple minima: call NMinimize multiple times with different random seeds, which will cause different optimization paths to be taken. This defines a ...
Finding memory usage. Particularly for symbolic computations, memory is usually the primary resource which limits the size of computations you can do. If a computation runs ...
The function NDSolve discussed in "Numerical Differential Equations" allows you to find numerical solutions to differential equations. NDSolve handles both single ...
Extrapolation methods are a class of arbitrary-order methods with automatic order and step-size control. The error estimate comes from computing a solution over an interval ...