RankedMin[list, n] gives the n\[Null]^th smallest element in list.
SymmetricReduction[f, {x_1, ..., x_n}] gives a pair of polynomials {p, q} in x_1, ..., x_n such that f == p + q, where p is the symmetric part and q is the ...
The method "DoubleStep" performs a single application of Richardson's extrapolation for any one-step integration method. Although it is not always optimal, it is a general ...
ContinuousWaveletTransform[{x_1, x_2, ...}] gives the continuous wavelet transform of a list of values x_i.ContinuousWaveletTransform[data, wave] gives the continuous wavelet ...
The shooting method works by considering the boundary conditions as a multivariate function of initial conditions at some point, reducing the boundary value problem to ...
The Mathematica function NDSolve is a general numerical differential equation solver. It can handle a wide range of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) as well as some ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Beta[a, b] gives the Euler beta function \[CapitalBeta](a, b). Beta[z, a, b] gives the incomplete beta function \[CapitalBeta]_z (a, b).
EllipticF[\[Phi], m] gives the elliptic integral of the first kind F(\[Phi] \[VerticalSeparator] m).
NMaximize[f, x] maximizes f numerically with respect to x.NMaximize[f, {x, y, ...}] maximizes f numerically with respect to x, y, .... NMaximize[{f, cons}, {x, y, ...}] ...
NMinimize[f, x] minimizes f numerically with respect to x.NMinimize[f, {x, y, ...}] minimizes f numerically with respect to x, y, .... NMinimize[{f, cons}, {x, y, ...}] ...