Combining a new level of programmatic support for symbolic color with carefully chosen aesthetic color parametrizations, Mathematica allows a uniquely flexible and compelling ...
Particularly when you use transformation rules, you often need to name pieces of patterns. An object like x_ stands for any expression, but gives the expression the name x. ...
Mathematica provides a large number of options for cells. All of these options can be accessed through the Option Inspector menu item in the front end. They can be set either ...
NIntegrate Introduction NIntegrate Integration Strategies NIntegrate Integration Rules
MorphologicalTransform[image, f] applies the function f to the 3*3 neighborhood of each pixel in a binary image image.MorphologicalTransform[image, rule] applies a ...
EdgeStyle is an option and property for Graph and related functions that specifies what style to use for edges.
Long viewed as an important theoretical idea, functional programming finally became truly convenient and practical with the introduction of Mathematica's symbolic language. ...
ChemicalData["name", " property"] gives the value of the specified property for the chemical " name".ChemicalData["name"] gives a structure diagram for the chemical with the ...
The main expression or object that a built-in Mathematica function acts on is given as the first argument to the function. As part of the syntax, a built-in Mathematica ...
The syntax of the Mathematica language is unique among modern languages in allowing not just ordinary ASCII characters, but also a variety of special characters that greatly ...