(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Default[f] gives the default value for arguments of the function f obtained with a _. pattern object. Default[f, i] gives the default value to use when _. appears as the ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) MatchQ[expr, form] returns True if the pattern form matches expr, and returns False otherwise.
PatternSequence[p_1, p_2, ...] is a pattern object which represents a sequence of arguments matching p_1, p_2, ....
p ... or RepeatedNull[p] is a pattern object that represents a sequence of zero or more expressions, each matching p.
In some cases you may need to specify pattern sequences that are more intricate than things like x__ or x..; for such situations you can use PatternSequence[p_1,p_2,…]. ...
Mathematica's symbolic timing framework allows timing information not only to be analyzed but also to be used in the structure of algorithms. Mathematica provides functions ...
Unicode: 0F3D3. Aliases: Esc cond Esc. Infix operator with built-in evaluation rules. exprpred is by default interpreted as Conditioned[expr,pred].
Unicode: 0F3D2. Aliases: Esc dist Esc. Infix operator with built-in evaluation rules. xdist is by default interpreted as Distributed[x,dist].
(Mathematica Character Name) Unicode: 00AC. Aliases: Esc ! Esc, Esc not Esc. Prefix operator with built-in evaluation rules. ¬ x is by default interpreted as Not[x], equivalent to !x.
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) DOT graph language and data format. Commonly used exchange format for graphs. Stores a single attributed, directed, or undirected graph. Can contain user-defined graph, edge, ...